Known as Araiguma Rascal in Japan, classic 1977 anime Rascal the Raccoon has announced that the series will receive an official spin-off anime in 2025, and the main staff, the main cast, a teaser trailer and a teaser image (below) have been revealed for the series. An official website and social media feed have also been published for the new series, which is entitled Araiguma Calcaldan.
Araiguma Calcaldan teaser image
Based on the 1963 book by Sterling North, the original Rascal the Raccoon TV anime broadcast for 52 episodes from January 1977 – December 1977. Henry Hirakawa directs Araiguma Calcaldan at animation studio Nippon Animation. Ayano Yoshioka provides the character designs, Kisuke Koizumi provides the sound direction and Alisa Okehazama provides the music. The series features the voice talents of Junya Enoki, Taku Yashiro, Kensho Ono, Yohei Azakami and Kenjiro Tsuda.
Source: Anime! Anime!