The past and future of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime, along with many of its fans, will be ‘connected’ on April 12, 2025 at a new event announced today called JOJODAY. Yoyogi 2nd National Gymnasium in Shibuya, Tokyo will play host, with voice actors Kazuyuki Okitsu (Jonathan), Daisuke Ono (Jotaro) and Junichi Suwabe (Abbacchio) also attending.
Ticketing information and further details will be revealed at a later date.
Crunchyroll streams the first five parts of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime, describing the starting point like so:
In ancient Mexico, people of Aztec had prospered. They had historic and strange “Stone Mask”. It was a miraculous mask which brings eternal life and the power of authentic ruler. But the mask suddenly disappeared.
A long time after that, in late 19th centuries when the thought and life of people were suddenly changing, Jonathan Joestar met with Dio Brando―. They spend time together through boyhood to youth, and the “Stone Mask” brings curious fate to them―.
Source: Official X (formerly Twitter), Website