Blue Miburo, an ongoing TV anime based on the historical fiction / samurai manga, has revealed two new cast members for the series. The series is currently broadcasting in Japan, and Crunchyroll also streams it as part of the fall 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
The new cast additions include:
Keihachi Naosumi voiced by Tetsu Inada
Ayame voiced by Yuto Uemura
Both characters will appear as antagonists in the “Kikuchiyo Escort Arc”, which begins on December 21, 2024, with Episode 10 of the series.
Keihachi Naosumi
Kodansha has serialized the original manga by Tsuyoshi Yasuda in their Weekly Shonen Magazine publication since 2021, with 14 volumes released in Japan to date. Kodansha USA also publishes an English language version of the series under the title The Blue Wolves of Mibu.
Kumiko Habara directs the TV anime at animation studio MAHO FILM. Kenta Ihara provides the series composition, Yuko Oba and Miyako Nishida provide the character designs and Yuki Hayashi provides the music.
Crunchyroll describes Blue Miburo:
The Black Ships arrive in Kyoto as the shogunate stumbles toward ruin. Living amidst the chaos is Nio, a kindhearted boy on the verge of discovering his destiny. He meets two “Miburo,” Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soji, members of the band of Mibu ronin who will later become the famous Shinsengumi. With dreams of a better world, Nio joins their fight to defend the city.
Source: Comic Natalie