The live-action film adaptation of Akane Shimizu’s manga series Cells at Work! opened across Japan on December 13. The movie directed by Hideki Takeuchi (Thermae Romae live-action film series) earned 844 million yen (5.48 million USD) on 611,000 admissions between Friday and Sunday, making a first-place debut in the weekend box office ranking, according to the film’s official website.The opening box office performance ranks third among live-action Japanese films released in 2024, behind Kingdom: Return of the Great General in July (1.629 billion yen) and Last Mile in August (978 million yen).Till We Meet Again on the Lily Hill, the most successful live-action Japanese film released last December, ultimately earned 4.5 billion yen from its total domestic run.The movie also ranked third in Filmarks’ first-day satisfaction ranking with an average rating of 3.88/5.0 based on 2,213 reviews.
Following the TV anime series and a short anime film produced by Toei Animation, a live-action film adaptation of Reiko Hiroshima’s children’s fantasy novel series Fushigi Dagashiya Zenitendo released on December 13, earning 157 million yen (1.02 million USD) from 121,000 ticket sales to make a fourth-place debut, according to Kogyo Tsushinsha. The film was directed by Hideo Nakata, best known for the international success of his Ring horror film franchise on a screenplay by Reiko Yoshida (Girls und PANZER, Violet Evergarden). The movie also ranked seventh in Filmarks’ first-day satisfaction ranking with an average rating of 3.59/5.0 based on 247 reviews.
In its sixth weekend, Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK — a compilation film of the two-part Attack on Titan Final Season THE FINAL CHAPTERS anime episodes — ranked eighth, two positions down from last weekend. The film was originally scheduled for a limited three-week theatrical run, opening on November 8, but due to popular demand, its run has continued to be extended. The official website has announced that 4DX and MX4D screenings will also be added from January 17, 2025.
A special edited theatrical compilation film of the Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! TV anime opened in 24 theaters on December 13. Although it did not make the overall Top 10 list debut due to the small number of theaters, it ranked No.1 in Kogyo Tsushinsha’s mini-theater ranking. The TV anime adaptation of Yuu Toyota’s manga series aired for 12 episodes from January to March 2024. In addition to a compilation of memorable scenes, the movie also includes an episode that was not depicted in the TV anime story.
Weekend box office Top 10 in Japan (December 13-15, 2024)
(ticket sales basis with notes in parentheses marking previous week’s placement)
Rank | Title | Weekends since Release |
1 (new) | Cells at Work! | 1 |
2 (1) | Moana 2 | 2 |
3 (2) | Doctor-X: The Movie | 2 |
4 (new) | Fushigi Dagashiya Zenitendo | 1 |
5 (new) | Kraven the Hunter | 1 |
6 (3) | Shotai | 3 |
7 (5) | Muroi Shinji: Ikitsuzukerumono | 5 |
8 (6) | Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK | 6 |
9 (4) | Uchi no Otoutodomo ga Sumimasen | 2 |
10 (7) | Rokunin no Usotsukina Diagakusei | 4 |
Sources:, Kogyo Tsushinsha, Kogyo Tsushinsha mini-theater ranking, “Cells at Work!” live-action movie official website©Akane Shimizu/Kodansha ©Shigemitsu Harada, Issei Hatsuyoshiya, Akane Shimizu/Kodansha ©2024 “Cells at Work!” Production Committee