Netflix Japan’s official X (formerly Twitter) announced today that a live-action movie adaptation of Masamichi Kawabe’s manga Onigoroshi will stream worldwide on February 27, 2025, under the title Demon City Onigoroshi. “Onigoroshi” literally means Demon Killer in Japanese.
Kawabe’s original manga ran in Nihon Bungeisha’s Weekly Manga Goraku magazine from 2020 to 2024, with the final 16th volume set to release in Japan on February 28, 2025 — one day after the film’s worldwide stream begins. The story is set in the provincial city of Shinjo and follows Shuhei Sakata, a professional killer who vows to avenge his beloved wife and daughter.Actor Toma Ikuta (Reiji Kikukawa in the Mogura no Uta live-action film series) plays the protagonist, Shuhei Sakata. “I will be starring in the Netflix movie ‘Demon City Onigoroshi,’ with almost no dialogue,” said Ikuta. “I was given a difficult role that required me to express all my emotions in action. It’s aggressive, Netflix! It should be interesting because I put so much physical effort into it.”Other main cast members include Matsuya Onoe, Masahiro Higashide, Masanobu Takashima, Mio Tanaka, Ami Toma, Taro Suruga, Mai Kiryu, Naoto Takenaka, and Takuma Otoo.
Seiji Tanaka, whose first feature film Melancholic (2019) won the Best Director Award in the Japanese Film Splash section at the 31st Tokyo International Film Festival and the Best New Director Award at the 21st Udine Far East Film Festival, serves as the director and will work on the screenplay.”I am very happy to be able to challenge the genre of ‘revenge + violent action,’ which I love as an audience member,” said Tanaka. “After much debate and discussion with the staff and cast members about how to inherit the worldview and powerful impact of the original ‘Onigoroshi’ manga, and how to create a story that is unique to film, we were finally able to complete the film. The lead actor, Ikuta-san’s sensitive performance and stunning physical expression, were superb, and we were all moved by them on the set. All the characters were truly full of originality and realism, and they enriched the town of Demon City. We hope you enjoy the film!”
Manga volume 1 cover
Manga volume 15 cover
Sources: Netflix Japan official X (formerly Twitter),