Tentaka Shuzo, a Japanese sake brewery company located in Tochigi Prefecture, has collaborated with the TV anime Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF to produce a product inspired by the series, “Holo’s Apple Mead.” Mead is a fermented alcoholic beverage made by adding yeast to honey and water.
Tentaka Shuzo began research and development of mead (honey wine) in early 2000, and strated selling it in 2015 as “Japanese Mead” made by a Japanese sake brewery. The company became the first Japanese mead brewery to win a medal at the world’s largest mead competition, the Mazer Cup International Mead Competition 2019 in the United States.The heroine of the anime, the wisaewolf Holo has a sweet tooth and loves apples, and is also a heavy drinker, so a project to officially release a sake using apples and honey was born. A collaboration was then realized with Tentaka Shuzo, a company that has experience collaborating with anime works and VTubers, and most importantly, produces and sells mead.“Holo’s Apple Mead” can be served cold or hot. It can be enjoyed straight, on the rocks, with soda, or with hot water, and can also be served over vanilla ice cream. Alcohol content is 9 degrees.The price of the product in 720 ml bottles is 5,500 yen (35 USD). Orders will be accepted at the company’s official online store from December 18, 2024 to January 21, 2025. Shipping its scheduled to begin from January 15, 2025, for delivery by March 31, 2025.
Tentaka Shuzo
The first season of Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF aired for 25 episodes from April 2 to September 24, 2024. As reported, the second season has already been in the works. Crunchyroll is streaming the series for members in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and CIS.Crunchyroll describes the series:
Lawrence is a traveling merchant selling various goods from a horse-drawn cart. One day, he arrives at a village and meets a beautiful girl with the ears and tail of an animal! Her name is Holo the Wisewolf and she brings bountiful harvests. She wishes to return to her homeland, and Lawrence offers to take her. Now, the once-lonely merchant and the once-lonely wisewolf begin their journey north.
Source: Tentaka Shuzo press release©2024 Isuna Hasekura, KADOKAWA/Rowen Commercial Association