Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc., a TV anime based on the magical girl satire manga written by Sekka Iwata and illustrated by Yu Aoki, just concluded its first season broadcast in Japan today, and followed with the announcement that a second season is now confirmed.Manga artist Yu Aoki published a new illustration celebrating the announcement, featured above. At the time of this reporting, no further details were revealed about the second season.
Shueisha publishes the original Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. manga in the Shonen Jump+ digital manga magazine. Manga Plus publishes an English language version of the series in digital form under the title Magilumiere Co. Ltd., while Viz Media publishes an English language version in print. Masahiro Hiraoka directs the TV anime at animation studios MOE and J.C.STAFF. Shingo Nagai provides the series composition and scripts, Hidehiro Asama and Masahiro Fujii provide the character designs, and Makoto Miyzaki provides the music.
Amazon Prime streams Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. in worldwide markets and describes it as follows:
Magical girls: strong, cool, the ultimate dream job. College student Kana Sakuragi is job hunting – without much luck! One day, she is caught up in an attack by a “Kaii.” Fiesty magical girl Hitomi Koshigaya flies to the rescue, and Kana uses her excellent memory to help her take it down. Hired as a magical girl by Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc., Kana takes her first step into the working…
Source: Official Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. TV anime home page