As the currently-airing anime adaptation approaches its halfway point, the Blue Box Jump Festa 2025 stage event today released a brand-new trailer, key visual, theme song details and more cast for the sports rom-com series’ second cour. The anime’s broadcast resumes on January 2, 2025.Macaroni Empitsu (Oblivion Battery ending theme song) performs “Saraba” for the next opening song and TOMOO performs “Contrast” for the next ending song, both of which are previewed in the trailer below, while the visual’s tagline reads, “The one I like is—.”
Blue Box Cour 2 Trailer
Blue Box Cour 2 Key Visual
Kana Ichinose (Fern in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End) joins the cast as Ayame Moriya.
Ayame Moriya character design
Based on the manga by Koji Miura, Yuichiro Yano (LUPIN THE 3rd PART 5) directs the Blue Box anime at studio Telecom Animation Film, with series composition by Yuko Kakihara (The Apothecary Diaries), character designs by Miho Tanino (Tower of God) and music by Takashi Omama (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury).VIZ Media publishes an official English version of the manga and describes the story:
Taiki admires Chinatsu from afar, but he doubts that she sees him in the same way. Yet somehow, he musters up the courage to tell her to never give up on her dreams! After such a bold declaration, will Taiki’s fleeting high school romance finally begin?
Source: Comic Natalie, Jump Festa 2025 Stage Blue stream