The Apothecary Diaries, an ongoing TV anime based on the series of mystery drama light novels, has revealed the latest entry in its series of art pieces inspired by seasonal plants. The new artwork (below) features Maomao greedily hovering over a field of daffodils while Lihua watches over her.The second season of The Apothecary Diaries will broadcast in Japan beginning on January 10, 2025. Crunchyroll will also stream the second season as part of the winter 2025 anime simulcast lineup.
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 December daffodil art
The original Apothecary Diaries light novels are written by Touko Shino, illustrated by Natsu Hyuuga and published in Japan by Shufunotomo under their Hero Bunko imprint. J-Novel club publishes an English language version in digital form, while Square Enix publishes an English language version in print. Norihiko Naganuma and Akinori Fudesaka direct the TV anime at TOHO animation STUDIO and OLM.
Crunchyroll describes The Apothecary Diaries:
Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she’s sold as a lowly servant to the emperor’s palace. But she wasn’t meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she’s making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!
Source: The Apothecary Diaries on X (formerly Twitter)