Umamusume: Cinderella Gray, an upcoming TV anime based on the manga written by Masafumi Sugiura and illustrated by Taiyou Kuzumi, has revealed a new teaser trailer and additional cast members. The series will broadcast in Japan in a split-cour format on the Tokyo Broadcasting Network beginning in April 2025.
Umamusume: Cinderella Gray Teaser Trailer
The new cast members include:
Bellno Light voiced by Momoko Seto
Fujimasa March voiced by Mariya Ise
Jo Kitahara voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi
Tamamo Cross voiced by Naomi Ozora
Shueisha publishes the original Umamusume: Cinderella Gray manga in their Weekly Young Jump manga magazine. Yuki Ito directs Umamusume: Cinderella Gray at animation studio CygamesPictures. Aki Kindaichi provides the series composition and Takuya Miyahara and Keisuke Sasaki provide the character designs.
Umamusume: Cinderella Gray teaser art
The story of Umamusume: Cinderella Cap follows Oguri Cap, a horse girl whose wild running style defies all common sense and who grows to be called a “monster” as she strives to become the strongest runner at Kasamatsu Training Center Academy, a school that teaches horse girls how to race.
If you need more horse girls in your life, Crunchyroll currently streams both Umamusume: Pretty Derby and its mini spin-off UMAYON. Crunchyroll describes the main series:
This is a tale of a world where “horse girls”; with glorious names and incredible running abilities live alongside humanity.
Horse girl Special Week has moved from the country to the city to attend Tracen Academy. There, she and her classmates compete to win the Twinkle Series and earn the title of “The County’s #1 Horse Girl.”