Me and the Alien MuuMuu, an upcoming TV anime based on the “super mystery comedy” manga, has revealed a wealth of new information, including a new trailer (below), the main staff and the main cast. The series will broadcast in Japan in 2025.
Me and the Alien MuuMuu Trailer
The cast for Me and the Alien MuuMuu includes:
MuuMuu voiced by Etsuko Kozakura
Sakurako Umeyashiki voiced by Momo Harumi
Decimal voiced by Yasuyuki Kase
Akihiro Utsumi voiced by Gakuto Kajiwara
Miwa Samezu voiced by Yuriko Hibi
Wataru Tenkubashi voiced by Hidenobu Kiuchi
Mamoru Rokugo voiced by Kentaro Kumagai
Sonoko Hanazuki voiced by Yukiyo Fuji
Based on the manga by Hiroki Miyashita, tomoya Takahashi directs the TV anime adaptation at animation studio OLM. Keiichiro Ochi provides the series composition, Kenji Ota provides the character designs and The Kuricorder Quartet provides the music.
Me and the Alien MuuMuu teaser art
Originally a one-shot manga published in June 2019, Shonen Gahosha has serialized the original Me and the Alien MuuMuu manga in their Young King OURs seinen manga magazine since August 2019. The series has also been published in Japan as 7 collected volumes to date.
The story of the series follows MuuMuu, an alien whose species lost all of their scientists and engineers in a planetary war. In order to recover an understanding of their highly advanced technology, MuuMuu and his friends come to Earth, where they crash land in the apartment of college student Sakurako Umeyashiki and then decide to study ordinary household appliances.
Source: Comic Natalie