Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc is kicking off its second season on Japanese TV on January 12, 2025. The latest animated adaptation based on the pro-wrestling shonen action manga published a new trailer today featuring Robin Mask, Ramenman, Warsman and Brocken Jr. in their next matches.
Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Season 2 Trailer
Also known in the English as Ultimate Muscle, the original Kinnikuman manga by Yudetamago has been serialized since 1979 in Shueisha publications such as Weekly Shonen Jump, Weekly Playboy, and Shu Play News. Akira Sato directs Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc at animation studio Production I.G. Makoto Fukami provides the series composition, Hirotaka Marufuji provides the character designs, and Yasuharu Takanashi provides the music.
Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Season 2 key art
The story of Kinnikuman follows Kinnikuman, a clumsy and foolish superhero who discovers that he is actually the prince of Planet Kinniku, a world of mighty super humans, and who eventually grows to become the strongest wrestler in the world. Netflix describes Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc as follows:
Kinnikuman returns to the ring in an epic three-way battle between the Seigi, Akuma and Perfect Chojin factions and reveals the roots of the Chojin.
Source: Official Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc TV anime home page