Mamoru Hosoda, the acclaimed director behind BELLE, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Mirai, Wolf Children, Summer Wars and The Boy and the Beast, revealed at a production presentation today that his next anime film is titled Scarlet (“Hateshinaki Scarlet” in Japanese) and is slated to release in Winter 2025, which is a departure from his usual summer releases.
Hosoda also noted that he’s aiming for a completely new look beyond 2D anime or Hollywood CG animation, and that the story is based on a globally known classic. He described it as delving into life and death with action and romance elements, while still being entertaining. The main character, pictured in the “super teaser visual” above, is a strong princess who crosses time and space.
Studio CHIZU is once again producing the animation. Toho will distribute the film in Japan and Sony Pictures will distribute internationally, with the latter reportedly doing so “in a new form for Japanese animation.”
Source: Comic Natalie