Solo Camping for Two, a camping-themed seinen manga by Yudai Debata known in Japan as Futari Solo Camp, is being adapted into a newly announced TV anime. The main staff, key cast members, a teaser visual (above) and a teaser trailer (below) have been revealed for the series, which will broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX and other stations beginning in July 2025.
In Solo Camping for Two, voice actors Daiki Hamano and Mizuki Niizaki play the leading roles of Gen Kinokura and Shizuku Kusano, respectively.Kodansha serializes the original Solo Camping for Two manga in their Morning seinen manga magazine. Jun Hatori directs the TV anime at animation studio SynergySP. Aya Satsuki provides the series composition as well as the scripts alongside Mitsuho Seta and Ouka Tanizaki, and Shota Kowashi provides the music.
Solo Camping for Two Teaser Trailer
The story of Solo Camping for Two follows Gen Kinokura, a 34-year-old man who loves the outdoor life and enjoys getting back to nature via camping as a hobby. Gen prefers to camp alone, but after a chance encounter with 20-year-old Shizuku Kusano, the two of them ending up solo camping together.
Source: Comic Natalie