Mr. Osomatsu, the ongoing TV anime spin-off that re-imagines the six brothers from Osomatsu-kun as fully grown failsons, is returning to Japanese TV for a fourth season on TV Tokyo and other stations beginning in July 2025, and now a new teaser image (above) and teaser trailer (below) have been revealed for the series. Crunchyroll currently streams the three previous seasons as well as the Mr. Osomatsu movie.
Mr. Osomatsu Season 4 Teaser Trailer
Based on the original work by Fujio Akatsuka, Yoshinori Odaka directs the fourth season of the TV anime at animation studio PIERROT FILMS. Shu Matsubara provides the series composition and Eiji Abiko provides the characters designs.Crunchyroll describes Mr. Osomatsu:
Mr. Osomatsu is based off of the gag manga series Osomatsu-kun by Fujio Akatsuka, and ran from 1962 to 1969. The series features a set of sextuplets, the Matsuno brothers, with Osomatsu being the oldest brother and leader of the group.
Source: Official Mr. Osomatsu TV anime home page