The official website for A NEW DAWN, an upcoming original animation film directed by Japanese painter Yoshitoshi Shinomiya, released a teaser trailer and visual today, as well as announcing its Japanese title as Hanarokusho ga Akeru Hi ni (translated to On the day when Paris Green dawns). The film is scheduled to release in Japan in 2025.
A NEW DAWN Japanese Teaser Trailer
Teaser Visual
The site also announced the film’s two main voice cast members: Riku Hagiwara will voice Keitaro Obinata, the second son of Obinata Fireworks Shop, who struggles to complete a fantastic fireworks display in place of his missing father. Kotone Furukawa will play Kaoru Shikimori, a childhood friend of Keitaro who has left her hometown to seek her future in Tokyo. Both are young actors who have worked in live-action films and drama series, and this is the first time for both to voice a character in an anime film.
Yoshitoshi Shinomiya has worked as a Japanese-style painter and has also participated in anime films directed by Makoto Shinkai and Sunao Katabuchi. A NEW DAWN is a French-Japanese co-production with the French studio Miyu Productions, and Shinomiya makes his feature film directorial debut based on his own original screenplay. Utsushita (Minamigata Laboratory) serves as the character designer, along with animation director Shohei Hamaguchi, art director Ryoko Majima, and soundtrack composer Shuta Hasunuma.
The film was selected as one of five films in various stages of production from around the world for the “Animation Day” Annecy Animation Showcase at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival in May 2024.The festival’s official website introduces the synopsis of A NEW DAWN as such:
The Obinata Fireworks Shop factory is getting prepared for an administrative action for confiscation tomorrow. It has been six years since Keitaro has been holed up in a closed-down factory creating fireworks by himself, chasing after an illusion of his father who vanished. It is a story about three young people who overcome the extreme weather conditions, disasters and environmental problems imposed on them and establish their own identities.
Source: “A New Dawn” Japanese official website / X (formerly Twitter) ©A NEW DAWN Film Partners