While the spooky season has long passed, the A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! anime defies all odds and brings its paranormal fun into the new year. To celebrate the continuation of the anime series based on manga of the same name by Mai Tanaka, a brand new visual was released alongside the latest creditless opening and ending animations featuring songs performed by Sou and Real Akiba Boyz respectively.
A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! Creditless Opening – “Bakesou na Kokoro” by Sou
A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! Creditless Ending – “Yokai Rendezvous” by REAL AKIBA BOYZ
The A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! anime is directed by Katsumi Ono at Satelight with Deko Akao writing the series composition and Natsuki drawing the character designs. Crunchyroll streams the first half of the series and is doing so for the second part, dubbed the “2nd season.” Crunchyroll describes the series as such:
Haruaki Abe is happy to finally fulfill his dream of becoming a teacher. That happiness is short-lived after he arrives at Hyakki Academy and finds out the school is full of monsters! Can Abe overcome his cowardice and get his supernatural students under control? Join the timid teacher and his bizarre class for a tale of ghoulish mischief and paranormal education.
Source: Comic Natalie