The Apollo’s Song science fiction manga by Osamu Tezuka will now be adapted into a live-action TV drama beginning on February 18, 2025, premiering on Mainichi Broadcasting System and Tokyo Broadcasting System in Japan. Ken Ninomiya will write and direct the series, starring Shori Sato as Shogo Chikaishi and Akari Takaishi as Hiromi Watari.
Apollo’s Song Teaser Trailer
Shonen Gahosha serialized the original Apollo’s Song manga in their Weekly Shonen King manga magazine in 1970. Vertical, Inc. originally published an English language version of the series, and describes the story as follows:
Apollo’s Song follows the tragic journey of Shogo, a young man whose abusive childhood has instilled in him a loathing for love so profound he finds himself compelled to acts of violence when he is witness to any act of intimacy or affection whether by human or beast. His hate is such that the gods intervene, cursing Shogo to experience love throughout the ages ultimately to have it ripped from his heart every time. From the Nazi atrocities of World War II to a dystopian future of human cloning, Shogo loses his heart, in so doing, healing the psychological scars of his childhood hatred.
Source: Comic Natalie