After what feels like years of rumors, leaks, and tidbits of information direct from the source, Nintendo finally officially unveiled the Nintendo Switch 2 through a first-look teaser video on the company’s official YouTube channel. The video confirms the Switch 2’s look, its expanded size compared to the now eight-year-old original Switch and a 2025 release.
Nintendo Switch 2 Teaser
The above teaser also includes a quick tease of something new to do with Mario Kart. It confirms that most original Switch games will be compatible with the Nintendo Switch 2, as the new console uses the same type of cartridge as the Switch. Digital games, as well as the Nintendo Switch Online service, will also move over to the new console. More details on the Nintendo Switch 2 will be revealed in a Nintendo Direct on April 2.
Around the same time as the direct, a series of “hands-on” events will be held worldwide, including in the United States, Australia, and Japan. Three cities in the US have been confirmed to have events, including New York, Los Angeles, and Dallas, in April. Tokyo is confirmed at the end of April, while Melbourne is announced for mid-May. Tickets go up for the event at different times, so check your local Nintendo site!
Source: Nintendo on YouTube