I’m Not That Kind of Talent


Genres: action Adventure Comedy Fantasy

I’m not that kind of person.I, Deon Hart, am a sickly person who vomits blood whenever I’m stressed.However, at the same time, I’m Demon Arut, who has somehow been misunderstood and thought of as a strong person, and thereby feared by everyone.


6 comment AAuthor MAdmin
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  1. Funny 8/10

  2. Main character : 9/10 he doesn’t know he’s strong because of his past (I don’t know how to say it without spoiling). He has some funny monologues and people tend to misunderstand his every move.Side characters : 8/10 more complex than they seem. Not 1 dimensional and has their own goals and morals, they add depth and interest to the manhwa. I like how they’re not just decorations (especially the women, they’re usually just s£ggs symbols for inc3ls to dream of touching a minisicule of their hair).Plot : 9/10 very unique and everything isn’t what it seems. It balances the comedy and the dark parts so perfectly.Overall : 9/10 give it a try, you might enjoy it. It gets a bit more serious in the end though (from what I read from the novel).

  3. Agree mostly with unkownmanhwareader on most of his/her review. I will add that I fealty some characters did a 180 on their personality, demon king,

  4. Im still waitingNA NA NAAAAA

  5. I shall read this

  6. Please season 2 why we wait this long

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