The World After The End

Author:S-Cynaan, Sing-Shong, 싱숑

Genres: action Adventure Fantasy Shounen

An original story, brought to you by the author of <Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint>, Author Sing-Shong. This is about a man who didn’t regress when everyone else returned back to the past.Humans were suddenly summoned to become “Walkers”, and they needed to clear the tower to save the world. . . Floor 77: The “Stone of Regression” was discovered.Walkers could now “return” to the past. Slowly, everyone left. . . Humanity’s last hope, “Carpe Diem”, was formed, made up of people who refused to abandon the world. . . The last Walker reached floor 100.He no longer knew what to believe. 


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  1. Finally we got disqus back, just letting all you know this one right here is a banger.

    • is ts related to orv?

  2. Finally comment section

    • ok, got anny milfs!!

  3. My nudist!!



  4. Plot is bad and Characters that are getting forgotten is bad, that for me i rate it 6.5/10

  5. is it me or the latest chapters start getting Bad n Bad!!

  6. i wont lie i kinda dont understand it sometimes but nonetheless its peak 😎☝️

  7. this one fell off a bit for me, twas good and then power creep hit and they went and reset it.

  8. The first arc for this series is excellently written especially for manwhas. One of the weirdest things I’ve seen with this series are the criticisms that this series is “confusing” despite when actually asking what they find confusing, it usually turns out to be things directly addressed by the story. I assuming it’s either because of people skimming and/or people having whiplash from much simpler plots but it’s odd for repeated criticism to continually not hold water. Odder still is that often you will see series merit far worse criticism but receive none. which makes you why this is the hill people want to die on when there are actual criticisms you make about this series and others.

    • for me its not confusing but its just lazy plot

    • Your complaint shows your ego. Try to tone it down, Chud.

  9. Was good in the beginning but now I hate it the Mc being naked all the time now is absolutely retarded.

    • No way you folding to him being naked 😭

    • THAT’S what killed it for you?You might be gay.

  10. Is it confusing? Yes, yes it is. So read it clearly and carefully so you understand peak more.

    • definitely don’t skim, everything you need to understand it tells you, like it really tries to explain things to you with how much exposition dumps it gives you and extra end chap info it does. It sad because it tries more than most to explain its plot to you but still gets slapped with the “confusing” label, what can it do when the reader isn’t listening? Of course they going to get confused. The thing is if it was actually just nonsense then no one would get it because there was internal consistency to grab on to, but obviously that’s not the case.

  11. Short review Plot is trash 0/10 (the beginning is great) art is good 10/10 What a waste of art

    • It’s just like the ORV. Both have very random plot events and both have great art. But why do people hate this one and like the other one? Btw I think both are 6.5/10

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