The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide


Genres: action Adventure Fantasy Supernatural Transmigrating

I possessed a third-rate extra villain character in my favorite game. I have no ambitions and I just want to live a quiet life. But sheesh, this world is a hard place to survive in. I will survive to the ending of this story, in a way the protagonist cannot. I will survive in the way of a third-rate villainous character.


30 comment AAuthor MAdmin
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  1. When is the next chapter? (Currently ch 27)

    • Now

  2. Survive al

  3. Comment is back! How you guys doing?

    • Happy but sad ig that the old comments gone

  4. This is easily one of my favorites along with the other academy ones Helmut, and spear guy( forgot the name) even though alot of it is generic I feel like it’s executed good which some manhwas can’t do and compared to the other new manhwas asura is picking up I feel like this is one of the good picks

    • Fuck that💀🙏🏽 if it’s harem it’s automatically trash in my book. Sometimes I don’t mind it but what I despise are womanizers Mc who can’t be loyal to a. Single girl

  5. Its a really fun manwha, shame every comment got reseted

  6. Looking forward to reading this. Seems like this is an okay read judging from the reviews

  7. This novel much more heavily focuses on characters, their emotions and development, rather than just abuse of “returner/gamer” knowledge. It feels nice and strangely warm, while reading this. It will do you well, if you want to motivate yourself a bit and will decide to read.

  8. Peak new series

  9. Mid. It’s harem, actually it’s polygamy since <spoiler>he actually married multiple woman if I’m not mistaken. And I do not fw with harem

    • lol look at all the self inserts disliking your comment theyre upset

  10. It looks like asura did this with the comments to increase viewership on poorly preforming series. So ill just start leaving reviews again.Great series, character gets put in a game but instead of going “hurr durr dont want to change the story” he just fucks it up on contact. Oh this one girl dies? Nah dude fuck that, shes fine. Best girl loses control and gets kicked out of the school in the original story? Nah dude shes best girl, shes around FOREVERStory is purposely vague on how powerful MC is, i like it tho9/10

    • Damn…NOW THIS HAS GOTTEN ME EXCITED! Time to see how good it really is

    • hows this a 9/10 lol its just a harem reincarnation

    • This is legit objectively terrible writing. Mc who’s in a secluded forest finds 3 important characters in the first 5 chapters.

    • to those who just wanna read , read it ,judge it for yourself because there a lot of mix reviews here i mean for me its good enough for time wasting and i read a lot of manhwa manhua manga even novel that had a lot of negative reviews but i found it entertaining so dont listen too those idiot ps…. applicable only to readable translation.

  11. One of the best new generation manwha for me

  12. harem trash

    • It’s harem but not trash

  13. Okay I’ve only read the first five chapters and I dreadfully could not click the next button. Maybe I was just in a mood but this Manwha is just a whole cliché. The main heroines don’t feel intriguing and are just there to be saved or helped by the Main Character. The background characters are just ego boosters for the plot like some ao3 wattpad y/n story where all they do crap on the main character, but the Heroines see past his mask and all fall in love in the end ❤️❤️(cliché)!!! I feel like there’s no conflict even when the original main character lost the fight in chapter 5ish. I enjoyed the starting chapters where it was the main character making do with what they can in the forest, but when the princess came it just felt like fan service. I looked over the faces and the reactions of the characters but they all feel over the top or like they’re doing too much, maybe it’s because they’re high schoolers(?) and immature but they all seem childish. Also a major turn off was that the art looked like AI. It’s not AI, but it definitely looks like it and I couldn’t enjoy the story.2/5

  14. The story was decent, at least so far. For me the confusing bit was how disconnected the story felt at times. Like chapter 3’s ending to ch 4, i was confused why suddenly Lucy is on his side and how he suddenly has contract with the wolf spirit. There is alot of girls in this series so I can tell it’s very much harem orientated. I like the MC’s mindset to want to survive and will live out in the wild if it means he can make it to graduation but I don’t understand why even though MC seems pretty smart he doesn’t get the fact he already caused alot of butterfly effects so he should just accept the plot won’t be that similar to the original. Because every arc he promises himself to not involve himself and then directly inserts himself into the main core of the arc.So far 2 women have fallen for him and are trying to make their moves on him but I can see princess and the Lucy girl joining in as well. I did like the story a bit but for now I can’t say Im fond of it that much. I thought the plot was going to be something really well done since everyone in the comments said it’s good.Overall it was decent enough to pass the time.

  15. Decent story, got its flaws, got its good points, I look forward to new chapters

  16. The Extra’s and Survival That’s how to define story about this manhwa.Our MC is Ed Rothtaylor is transmigating as side (extra) character in The Failed Swordman of Sylvania game. He is forced to survive in harsh live in the wild while focus in the main plot and avoid many bad ending in that game (this is will be also the reason why he was transmigate to Sylvania world). There will be always the extra scenario that happen and must be finished by Ed and the other extra character. Sometime Ed will be forced to finish the main story because his own responsibilities.I recommend this if you like interaction between character, development of the character, storyline that never inline with MC plan, mixed between Japan and Korea MC.I finished the novel in Yonder (Official Translation), and my overal is 9/10Is this romance? Yes, but as subtagIs this harem? Yes, the heroine will be the thirsty one and the MC doesn’t think much about romance (at least until finishing the main story)Is the story still on going? The main story is finished, and side story is still goingBased from comment section, there is some negative opinions and I think you must judge it by yourself.



    • Novel rating in Yonder



  17. Idk why people are fighting… if you are like me who hates harem just leave man why read the series if you are just gonna hate it. Check the comments, see if its harem and then leave and find a new story to read. Why argue and waste other peoples time? We all have different taste .. you dont have to start a war… i mean its not like your change someones preferance by doing that

    • thank you for being understanding, i’d personally like for you to give this a chance because as of now the romance has been pretty much entirely coming from the female characters and the mc is just trying to survive, but if being a harem is by itself a big turn off for you, then i can respect your decision and hope you find some stories more to your liking here

  18. same art ,presentation and similar premise to i killed an acedamy playerprobably the same author as well yes also a harem, get filteredif you like that, you’ll like this

  19. Legitimately my favorite series on here. KEEP EM COMING BABY! I’ve reread this so many times now, lol.

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