Star-Embracing Swordmaster

Author:hong daeui/ Q10

Genres: action Adventure Fantasy Genius MC

Vlad was a vagrant child of the slums who always admired knights. After an incident where he was struck by black lightning, he began hearing a voice. A knight of blue moonlight appeared one day, and Vlad’s back-alley life was turned upside down… Even an obscure star that does not shine in the highest peaks of the night sky is still a star if it wishes to shine.  


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  1. Is it worth reading?

    • Top tier series you should read it of course

    • 100% you are gonna get goosebumps

  2. It has a good story so hang in there for atleast 15 ch and art is top tier The old comments got deleted

  3. Excellent story. Worthy of being in S-tierIt’s not your generic cookie cutter that you’ve seen thousands of time by now.Has good character development.No reincarnation/regression BS

    • Agreed, I’m letting this one marinate 🥹

    • how thick is the plot thowhat i mean by that is how often does the mc lives an obviously losing fight by getting angry or just plotig it’d be faster to read a few chapter than to askand for those who are reading my comment and wanna know the answergo and read d a chapter or two



    • Yes, but the pacing of the last 5 or so chapters have been really bad. Also, he might be a reincarnation of the first king or whatever.

  4. One of my favorite stories. Simple yet addictive plot, top-tier art and excexcellent mc and side characters.

  5. Man, this is art. I don’t know any other word to describe it, nor does it need any other words to speak of its excellenceIs it worth reading? Change your question to be, is it worth not reading it?

    • I’m surprised it’s not as popular as other series, is there any reason to not like this?

  6. It looks like asura did this with the comments to increase viewership on poorly preforming series. So ill just start leaving reviews again.God DAMN these are some stunning visuals, the beginning is a little generic but once it gets going SWEET FUCK does it get going. With some genuine poinient moments and a couple times i actually felt real emotion in my cold, dead heart. Genuinely great read so far, hope we maintain this momentum. 10/10 so far

  7. bro

  8. Wasn’t expecting it but this is really, really good. Solid, well-written series with legitimately good, admirable characters, and excellent artwork to go with it.

  9. 10/10 no explanation Warning for SA

    • View


      “Hannnkkkk… don’t abbreviate words that can be easily misinterpreted Hank”

    • Which part is SA thogh?? I’m all caught up and don’t remember any SA

  10. It starts off well, but the story really slowed down in the latest chapters and the artstyle took a bit of a dive.

  11. Every person deserves to grab their star, and this story doesn’t discriminate spreading its theme. The older brother repaying his younger brother’s debt, the evil soul that lost its drive upon the death of its rival, the opposing knight who discriminated one’s worth, the back-alley prostitute who fought to maintain her choice – characters who should have been nameless figures to the readers are real and alive to the main character, and through him, the rising star, we see just how alive this story and its world is.i have been desperately looking for a story on the level of “infinite mage” but it is so hard with the titles of these manhwa. I disagree about a slow start – this is a very intelligent work with proper storytelling. It doesnt tell you. It shows you what it wants, expresses both the small, big and promising, and those lacking. This is a very beautiful and satisfying read, and i hope it dully gets the attention it deserves one day.

  12. just fine honestly

  13. I said these before the comment section got Removed but I’ll say this againThis is one of the best manhwas in this website, it’s not your usual European fantasy powerscalling harem slopThe story is very well written and the pacing to me is perfect, it does not dilly dally in one arc for too long but it’s also not rushedMc is a pure badass on the path of revenge, but he’s also not some super strong warrior from the get go, he faces many challenges where he almost fails,There’s also no excessive supernatural power helping him, all the fights he wins is thanks to his efforts alone,He does have a talking sword but that’s about it, the sword simply helps him train betterGive this a try

    • Gay

    • The art and the clothes/armor design are so damn well done, not like some other manhwas where they just waltz around in jeans and a t-shirt

    • What do you mean the pacing is perfect?! the first few chapter have absolutely terrible pacing that we don’t really know who MC even know who he is or how the plot really gonna goes with this!

  14. Comments are back! But the reviews and reactions from before are all gone… How very unfortunate!

  15. So far this 1 has delivered. Haven’t read the novel but i feel like the main story hasn’t started yet and we are like 45 chapters in also great setup for a story, no regression nonsense, and art might be the best asura has to offer…Check it out.

  16. this shit is the good shit, not that bad shit, or the shit that you thinks gonna come out nice and easy but it’s painful and sweat inducing, top tier shit right here, comes out nice and smooth and powerful, relief from all the terrible shit experiences. Best shit I’ve ever had (up there with solo leveling in my opinion)

  17. With the comments deleted thanks to Asura, I’ve come here to do my part and leave a short comment/review.I’ll just say that this is probably one of the best manhwa’s I read in a long while. The quality of the writing, the depth of the characters, how there’s almost no gaps, or left out bits that you can nitpick. It’s perfection. Reminds me of Barbarian Quest, story-wise and writing. It’s deep, very well thought characters and how they behave leaves you with a lasting impression. Just like in life, there’s no black and white, but a grey line that blurs in between.From the start to 30’ish chapters (been waiting for them to pile up), It’s been such a pleasure to read. It is a rare thing to see, as most authors just simply take the easy way out, and bloat the story with as many clichés and generic stuff they can find. This one really shines. You can spot it at first glance that writing is really good. If you’ve read many, you’ll know what I’m talking about.Don’t miss out on this one. It’s a gem.

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