The Legendary Return

Author:Kim Kwang-Soo – Song Jin-Woo

Genres: action Drama Fantasy Manhwa Shounen Slice of Life

Due to the situation like the second IMF, the security company Jang Taesan worked for goes bankrupt, and he becomes an unemployed man wandering around Noryangjin-dong. He loses his life saving an elementary school student who was almost hit by a car. But thanks to his good deed, he goes 14 years back in time and is welcomed to a new life. However the joy of being revived is short-lived. The thought of having to take the college entrance exam again makes me dizzy… But I remember all of the CSAT problems that I encountered while studying and the stock market graph I saw while working as a stockbroker…?! The last life was ruined, but the this next life will become a success!


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  2. NEW FULL CHAPTER 129+128+127➔➔

  3. It is good at the start. But the essence of the story is confusing. He’s already successful, but he wants more. He has many potential love interests, but MC won’t settle on one nor express genuine love and in some case the author just make it so that the MC can dump that person. One more thing, the chapters are not that cohesive like the previous chapter’s events is not continued on the next chapter. Like in the case of where he discerned the fake painting in chapter 87 then transision to a meeting on chapter 88. The rating is justifiable.


  5. I’m still amazed that I’m still reading this shit

  6. Read up until chap 80, and for the first 20 chapters this was a great read but as chapter went on it became blander and just started denoting overall shallow writing and not much deep thought into how characters should actually behave. Really it became like every character were written with 1 brain-cell, specially the gods that mc manipulates so damn easily. Overall left quite dissapointed

  7. It started kinda interesting the mc just wanted to be better but his relationships didn’t went well and the girls aren’t interesting maybe cuz he is like a idol or at least that’s the point the author made me think of so so far;history 4/10;Characters 2/10;Action absolutely 0;Fantasy 6/10 is sad seeing how bad became;Slice of life where?;Overall if you like this you can actually read it is not bad but is not great either also I would never recommend it to beginners


  9. So basically, NTR SIMULATOR?

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  11. Authors seem to be under the mistaken premise that there needs to be some sort of malifactor. There doesn’t need to be. If u write the story well enough the world created will provide the problems for the Mc to solve. Sometimes all the auther end up writing is a generic villian that annoys the reader and makes them feel like dropping your story. Please just stop.

  12. Source

  13. author totally ruin this manhwa by how damn awesome this mc is showing every episodes. Ballshit manhwa. I recommend don’t read this shit amd waste your time.

  14. tooo annoying the mc allways get cockblock by someone with out him knowing and it’s totally annoying

    • Well, the MC does not even express genuine love to the potential loves interests. Just develops a crush on them and no more.

  15. New Manhwa


  17. Is this fantasy? I mean going back in time can seem fantastical but it seems to take place in modern time with that only thing be the fantasy element. They need to add a “modern fantasy” tag just for stuff like this.

  18. 4/10 the story in the beginning was good but when you reach around 30-40+chapters the story is just being repetitive he gets new girl he bring her to his room then back to business and get a new girl again it’s so bad

    • And get ntr’ed every time xd

    • didn’t even get a good character development after the fmc betrayed him he just became arrogant

  19. What the hell happened to the fucking author still there no update

  20. someone had pick up this trash

  21. we will see if they can improve themself in s2

  22. So in this currently chapter worty read?

  23. Source💥💥💥

  24. NEW FULL CHAPTER 134➔➔

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