The Sister Of Strength Feats

Author:Yamamoto Alfred

Genres: Comedy Slice of Life

The nun who listens to people’s confessions and reacts “strongly” to them.


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  1. –,.

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  3. Reminds me of Bianca from PGR

    • preach brother

  4. Quite literally “One Punch Nun”

  5. Open this, it spectacular

  6. 👩 Hot Manga Girls Video 💋;👉 Click here to view and

  7. Be thee cursed, and thou shalt be so!: him that blasphemeth, sodomiseth, befouleth the pious, violateth the Angelic Nature(s), rejecteth the Divine Favour(s), beholdeth pride and all manner of folly that is deemed as sin in the Scriptures and Testaments True; beholden to Man. But Man is e’er ignorant, disgraceful, rebellious and sinful. Soever that enjoins what is evil shall have his due; and his shall not be the Pleasure of God.

    • Then thou dost not read those writings of old! I write not in the folly of modernity’s ‘English’; but in the language that it was in ages past: that glorious, beauteous tongue that it was. Man may have one nature; but in that one nature, are many levels: these levels may be referred to as ‘natures’. Do not seek to challenge thy betters, thou saucy fellow of no understanding. Peradventure thou knowest not English, or anything of worth, for that matter!

    • –> !: <– is not a thing;Nor is Angelic NatureS;Ik natures sounds pretty logical but it’s not

  8. This is disrespect to those that devote themselves to the Divine. How dare they make such caricatures of the pious, with their lustful illustrations making mockery and sinful pornography of women who cover themselves for modesty and ward away evil. They entertain blasphemy, fornication and sodomy; indeed they enjoin nothing but evil, and they enjoin the pleasures of satan: then that shall be their reward, to be the companions of satan in hell. They may keep their perversions in the fantasy of the mind, but why do they wish to spread their vile illness? May they be damned, if they do not seek forgiveness.

    • Shut the fuck up

    • Thou fool! (Forsake thy folly, and be thee thy namesake, O’ Slave of the Merciful.) I have been trained in the holy arts by the pious faithful!

  9. Let thy hearts be pure as the sufferer’s glory.

  10. For the most part it’s pretty boring. Maybe 1 in 5 chapters are funny. The art is nice. No real story to speak of.

    • It’s a one shot, no need for any kind of plot brother.

  11. Sister i want to confess, I love You

  12. she’s Touma’s female version

  13. Nice

  14. Fgin GOLD

  15. Nun…

  16. When MC is a character with brain and brawn.

    • Just like batman

  17. The Author Deserves a Raise for this Art and Story. Highly recommended, just give it a go you won’t regret it.

  18. I call these reel mangas, too short to deeply care about or hate. Just read and leave

  19. I knew it! Violence solves everything

  20. Another title: Sister that put every stat points into strength

  21. Reading this manga make more sinner

  22. i only have one strength and that is the strength of s1nning

  23. I want to like it but author doesn’t seem serious at all lol

  24. Ch 42, it was great because it focused on people problems, now it somehow semi-focus on the shota priest and the demons it become weird. I hope it returns to how it was

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