My Dog Becomes A Human

Author:Kenji Hamada

Genres: Comedy Slice of Life

One day, pet dogs in this town suddenly become human being. The story follows the life of Saki, owner, and Ponta, her dog.


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  4. We all know where this is going

  5. chapter 22 made me cry.. Such a beautiful bond.. Guide dogs are truly the best.

  6. It seems like a lot reviews are people who just read the first few chapters. I thought the same things in the beginning as well, but I think that was part of the author’s plan to hit readers with confusion or shock them to initially gauge their attention. I’m so glad that I pushed through because this manga has almost made me cry and has tugged on my heart strings, it’s so precious. If you have a dog and wish you could hear how they feel about you, read this. I hardly ever comment on the main page, but the one off comments are doing this no jusitice and this deserves so much love. The moment this becomes anime (I’m hoping) I’m so ready to watch and support it!

  7. I was here for funnies, but then it started giving me feels.

  8. We all know where this is going also if The male dogs turned Human The female dogs must’ve too cough* cough* well that’s a story for another time on a different website 🗿🍷

    • 2 dogs in the house 2 dogs in my mouth

  9. Erm

  10. Umm

  11. How?

  12. I was having a bad day and then i see this, it got worse.

  13. If he was a real Siberian husky he’d be crying and yelling for attention before the owner got home

  14. Dog ningen clears however

  15. Okay so, if you wondering if the tags really are just “Slice of Life’ and “Comedy” the answer is yes.;The core joke is the Dogs have turned into really handsome looking men that you see in Shoujo that are normally boring because they barely show emotion because…..I guess women like stoicness.;They keep that look for for all of 5 seconds…..for before quickly changing into a cheery, happy, energetic dog like personality doing things such as asking their owners to play, tackling them to be pet, biting items they shouldn’t, etc. Its kinda adorable in a very odd way.

  16. the author is definitely a female….

  17. White woman manga

    • I knew atleast 1 comment was gonna point this out hahahaha

  18. Hey remember that line in Jupiter Ascending, “I love dogs, I’ve always loved dogs” and we collectively cringed

  19. This is the way how to cure furry fetish

  20. So you’re saying this to me a person created this to hide it’s bestiality fetish?;Archmagos, my cogitators calculates heretical interpretations. An affront to the purity of Omnissiah.

    • It seems more like a Twilight thing, like the werewolf from that.

  21. I’ve taken care of a Husky before… They are a pain in the ass. I love dogs but Huskies are an Exception.

  22. I dunno why this author doesn’t have any serialized yet, his art was fuckin enjoyable


    • Excuse me?

  24. Dog ningen >>

  25. Gay feeling

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