The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?!

Author:mok hyun

Genres: action Adventure Fantasy Time Travel

???: Alright, let’s keep it up and do the heave-ho???: Heave???: Ho???: Heave???: We can heave-ho all we want but I think we’re all screwed because of that guy.The Coin market that goes beyond the dimensions, A newcomer has appeared and turned the Dimensional Trading Center upside down!Erun Steelguard, the enemy of all traders.He was actually living his second life,after losing all of this wealth to dimensional trading and dying a tragic death. “I am not the pushover I once was!”     


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  1. Very nice concept but a lil wierd

  2. I didn’t read this even though I kept seeing it everywhere for mad long, mostly because of the title.. finally picked it up out of boredom. It’s pretty good! Strategy, action, conflict etc.

  3. It looks like asura did this with the comments to increase viewership on poorly preforming series. So ill just start leaving reviews again.Good but nicheThe concept is genuinely enticing, though the utilization leaves some things to be desired. Especially recent updates where MC buys a power rangers suit??? Dunno its fun but a bit out there. But i really love the series nonetheless. Check it out if you have time.8/10

    • Is there plenty action? Or is it focused on strategy or slice of life or something only? Figured since the title is like that i think it’s about money

  4. Is this worth the time?

    • no

  5. I’m at chapter 10 right now, and honestly it’s rough to even read this far. Author purposely made MC to be stupid, probably to leave some room for character development, although I doubt going from stupid to normal can even be called development at all. And there’s too many 3rd rate villains around MC it’s not even funny anymore. World building is very lacking so far, we have to infer whatever is going on by going along MC with his dementia acting up every now and then. I really, REALLY want to stone the author for real.It’s way too early to call it quit, but not gonna lie I don’t have high hopes for this. I don’t understand the popularity of this series at all.

    • I know it’s the proper etiquette to just turn off your brain with this kind of series, but I had quite a high hope for this due to its popularityEdit: For some reason, in the next few chapters the writing improved a lot.Now I’m at the end of season 1, and I’m surprised at myself for how much I like the series currently.Edit2: I’m at the end of season 3 now… And all I can say is that season 3 is shit. Author write the season in such a rush that there’s a lot of unexplained items and events, and on top of that MC’s dementia strikes again. Random events got solved by random coincidences, and then random villains popped out from out of nowhere…I’ll take a break and come back when season 4 is done and hopefully I’ll forget most of the details too by then so MC’s dementia doesn’t bother me as much as it currently is

  6. Hello I am the shit guy 💩I rate manhwa/manhuas with Goat shit 😮‍💨Good shit 🔥Mid shit 👍Bad shit😬WTF is this shit. 🤮 And I rate this Manga as mid shit 👍You have to be patient on this one for character development

    • thank you shit guy

    • Ur the best shit guy!

    • god bless you shit guy

    • This isn’t even good shit but itll have to hold up till the next good shit comes along.

    • Hi can you please recommend me a something

  7. Catches up to c123, the latest one currently.. so yeah, worth the read. Though some items MC bought were not explained well, maybe try reading the novel version? I haven’t yet, myself..but yeah, good read. Maybe 3.5/5 for it

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