Villain To Kill


Genres: action Fantasy Hero Rebirth

After being accused of murdering a colleague, Cassian Lee came to his death. The moment he thought it was all over, his soul was suddenly possessed by a boy’s body and he awakens as a villain.  


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  2. comments are back lets go

  3. Lesson comments are backkkk

  4. 6/10Give edgy high schoolers magic and mana, and you get this story.Just another generic beat-em-up story, where the characters who look like teens beat each other up with reincarnation mixed in it.Plot is repetitive: Every enemy just goes to MC’s territory, starts a ruckus, and then gets beat up by MC. That enemy becomes MC’s ally. Rinse and repeat.152 chapters have been published, but it feels like not even 30 – 40% of the story has been completedHardly anyone seems to die in this. The only person who died is the MC in chapter 1 lol

    • And here comes the crybaby with his comments the moment discuss came back seeking attention

    • Villan to KILL



    • 😂🤣

  5. Interesting story..some plots are inspired by Greek mythology slow pacing story will have atleast 500+chapters

  6. Since old comments are gone here comes a honest review without spoilers (IMO)Art: 8/10 I really like the cartoonish style mixed with great quality fighting panels, the color mixture is really good specially on MC’s attacks and Screwdrivers attacks.Plot: 7.3/10 Its interesting and at the same time a bit confusing, there are characters that are still stupid even after 150 chapters, there are a couple things that are still hidden and some plot holes, but ignoring that, its a pretty different concept, where you dont really have “monsters” but only humans with crazy powers.Relationships: 9/10 I’d say this one is one of my favourite part of this manwha specially around the maincharacter, he has loyal people around him and in general theres not much to say about it, some well developed characters and some with hidden objectives surround him.Powerscaling: 6/10 I’d say this one is pretty mid, talking about the MC, he’s clearly getting stronger after time goes by but still refuses to use his most OP skills, besides, it feels like he’s struggling while fighting some unworthy opps when he should be completly dominating them, but in the end i’d say its not bad, at least its consistent.Main Character: 7/10 I’d say this one is above average for me specially because he got that kinda personality of being not cold blooded but not reacting much about things, he’s calm everytime and only pursues strenght, not giving 2 fvcks about a random karen or having second thoughts about his objective, he’s pretty straight about only caring about fights and about his own opinion.Overall I’d say a solid 7.5/10 on this one, it’s really worth to read because if you are like me that reads everything that has “Action” Tag in it, you wont find something as good and with a creative world like this very often, so yeah, go for it 🙂

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