Sleeping Ranker


Genres: action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Game

#game fantasy #game system #satisfying #enjoyable #Sleepyhead “We’re only taking a break for about 30 seconds? I’m not imagining things, right?” “…Yes.” After 15 hours of hunting, Hyunsung asked to rest for a while, and after 30 seconds, he had to get up again and started hunting. Actually, Hyunsung has a special skill. [Thananos’ narcolepsy skill is activated.] [You’re being forced into a sleep state.] After sleeping for a while and waking up, I got an item? Pay close attention to the story of the God-Rank Class, the descendant of Thananos, the unstoppable Hyunsung.  


17 comment AAuthor MAdmin
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  1. 4/10

  2. The comments are back, lez gooo!!8/10 for me lol the god of sleep and death is interesting af

  3. 5/10

  4. Owh interesting the comment section is back.

  5. 3/10

    • You’re saving me a shitton of time, thanks (seeing the amount of upvotes is enough)


  7. It was good for some time, but right now I’m skipping everytime I see a new chapter

  8. How tf does this have a rating of 9.8?!

    • asura no life they didn’t read it but they put a good rating (the worst rating i see on asura is 5 and the second worst is 7 so don’t look the rating)

    • I have NO GD idea.

    • I’m assuming that all the ratings are complete bs.

  9. Review Time hope im doing the old comments proud Hope my reviews are helpingArt 6-9/10 – might be the only good thing I can say about this rlly the fight scenes and stuff are good BUT THE FACES ARE FUCKING HIDEOUS Think of Kohaku’s and Ruri from DR STONE and give them a Manhwa Adaptation and tell me the difference, if they improve the art, it would be 10/10 Plot/Progression 5/10 They make him OP way too fast where the only times he does have challenge is when they are levels above him (do love the descendent of a god that is kinda of unique on its own right) also they progress either A fast as a side character getting killed in AOT or B just straight up slow MC-7/10 Could be some improvement nothing really worth commentingOverall: 5.5-7/10 Could be better but there’s so much to change and it just feels like they want to make him overpowered, but they do it wrong Hope this review helps

  10. 3/10 Concept was interesting but it’s a MESS. This story is the comic equivalent of those “X but everytime MC says Thananos it speeds up.” videos on youtube. And they say Thananos A LOT.Also I know I know, it’s a story about a video game so my expectations were low but Holy crap there really is ZERO sense of urgency or stakes here.

  11. Was gonna give a review but a comment already commented everything I wanted to say hahahahha

  12. This title itself does not catches my attention much less the cape but I came to take a look and from the comments not worth reading at all.

  13. I like it but yeah the pacing isn’t good and MC is too OP. This is brain shut off reading fr.

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