Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Author:Bang In Young/ Gupani

Genres: action Adventure Fantasy Psychological Tragedy

The long-term public service exam candidate, Minseo, finds himself trapped in the game, “Raising Lena” as he tries to escape his grim reality. In the game, Minseo becomes a character named Leo, and he must navigate through a world with three different scenarios to accomplish his mission of turning the protagonist, Lena, into a princess. However, the game “Raising Lena” boasts an overwhelming level of difficulty due to enemies who are set to thwart Minseo with their immense power and influence. Will Minseo be able to complete the game by making Lena a princess and return to reality? 


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  1. nice comments are back

    • Now that the comments are back can we get the comments on manhwas to actually be reviews again

  2. Is it just me, that feels weird about a protagonist recarneting in someone body and take control of the someone life not knowing if they killed the original soul or have the soul watched as their lives go by without being in control being left as a prisoner to they’re own body. Like just imagine you woke up someday without control of your own body as you can only watch as a person used your identity for the rest of your lives

  3. disqus is back so let me drop a review after reading the first 37 chapters. (ill do one for the trio who came out)Central idea is very good but executed poorly at the beginning leading to people dropping it early, give it a chance but overall. stats after 37 chapters are fight scenes 6 out of 10, not really made for fights but more on story.story 7 out of 10 , might get better or worse as we continueart 6 out of 10 too , art is generic the manga is just a bit better than mid I hope the author finds a way to cook with the idea. mc is crazy for not getting conflicted about marrying 2 dif peopleCharacters 7 out of ten, because we have 3 story lines we see a bunch of charactersWorld building is an honest 8 out of ten, this show does it wellover all 6.7 out of ten (i swear to god if some sort of incest occurs with the third lena ill lose it)edit: i have no idea where some people are calling r*** on this manwha but I can say the mc is hella creepy at times

    • I appreciate these actually thought out reviews bro other than niggas just screaming “NTR”

    • nah its a bit better than what ur saying, although the fight scenes are a bit short.

    • Yeah he’s creepy cause of the games mechanics

    • Read the novel till chapter 93, there is an arc which is abysmally bad and the protagonist must’ve lost all his braincells for that one arc. I still endured through it tho since the concept is godly.

    • Thanks for the review 😎

    • Really appreciate this thoughtful review. Your work hasn’t gone unnoticed.

    • We should get honest reviewers like you man, i appreciate your review, simple but meaningful, you took the bullet point and excuted in professional perfection without being biased… If it’s not a bother brother i hope you would do this kind of review on every new manhwa released

  4. Do not mind the comments saying that this is garbage/trash without them even properly explaining why it’s bad.First off, this is a good read, a rare gem in a cluster of pale stones. Although the game, isekai, and regression genre is still used, the author made their own twist on the genre. They made it more like a building your own character story incorporating the regression and isekai on it. Furthermore, every chapter and every time he regresses on different timelines, the character learns something new and applies it on his new chance and everytime he gets back to the lobby-I don’t know if I should call it this-he clearly learns from his past mistakes and tries to mend his mistakes.Although there were times that the pacing goes fast, it is still understandable. Try and read it to see for yourself.Overall the manhwa is great! A refreshing thing to read currently in the manga/manhwa/manhua filled with generic repetitive stories.Main character – 8/10 (He certainly has a personality and is not a one dimensional character)Other characters – 7.5/10 (They are likeable and they also have their own personalities and character)Art style – 7.5/10 (Solo leveling would be an 8 or 9 for me, Berserk would be 9.5 and Vagabond is surely a 10)Plot – 8/10 (Although a new take on the genre, there were still lapses on it as I mentioned above)Overall – 8/10

    • Respect that positivity!!

    • Bro who tf is downvoting ya’ll? Even the guy who said he respects the positivity got downvoted like how sour you have to be to downvote a guy giving a really good review of a manhwa, and a guy respecting the positivity in it?

  5. Have read 24 chaps don’t like it , the idea is nice but this ain’t for me

    • What hel how did you read 24 chapters I couldn’t read past first two chapters…

  6. It has romance? If yes, then I am out!!!🗿But there are tags like psychological, tragedy and action instead of romance and slice of life…👁️I am really confused 🤔 🤔 My dear poison testers, help me out!!!🤠

    • Romantic drama w rape

    • I mean it’s obvious just from title that is romance and drama

    • Hey there, I’m here even before Asura trade this manhwa from Manga Galaxy.There’s one thing I must say about this manhwa. This manhwa is a double edged sword. If you love this kind of manhwa, you’ll be fond of it real quick. However, if you don’t like anything of sort, you’ll hate it with passion. I’m serious. I won’t force you to read this and regarding your question, yes, this has romance but I think you should give this manhwa a try before deciding if you’re going to continue this manhwa or not. Coz imo, there’re so many people who’d dropped it after reading a few chapters only. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to dislike something but try to give this manhwa a chance. This manhwa has so much in store for you

  7. Damn the cucks liking this hard

    • Cry me a river lmao

  8. I can’t continue reading this . . .I’ve read up to 9 chapters but yep ig I’m not a fan of this type of manhwa

  9. Okay now that I can finally comment again. I have something to say about this. It’s really good, but pretty damn dark on it’s implications, it’s close to crossing a line with me specifically if they doing anything explicitly with r**e I will immediately drop this I don’t think it’s needed to make something dark at all. Anyways, very good and detailed story whilst also showing some of our mc’s past life and how he did something wrong.

    • Novel reader.She gets raped many, many, many times. In many different timelines.

  10. My guy is playing cuckold simulator

    • deadass



  11. not a bad manhwa, with each tragedy MC get some achievements and rewards, it is sad to watch and some readers may not have the tolerance to read, I’m not sure but I think we can’t get a continuation of one story and the cycle will repeat and tragedies will come one after another.over all i give this a solid 6.8/10.

    • Sounds like torture dramatic 🤯

  12. The psychological effect of this loop could be sinister. You feel and see every trace of Lena, just to send her off in diferent ways or to another man. Dude got trapped in the purgatory or hell. No joking

  13. Went to the comments to see if this is worth reading and then NTR?? RAPE?? slavery’s fine i guess CUCKOLD?!What the fuck is going on with this manhwa bro 🙏😭

  14. This is quite hard to read. Poor guy has to deal with life and a breakup and then got trapped into this world where this woman become a part of his life and in order to escape this, he must somehow give her up, or at least this was the easier choice.Among the 3, the sibling setting is the easiest for the MC to turn Lena a princess, emotionally speaking.But, I would like that the MC would be tenacious and decisive to become a king himself.

  15. A lot of people dropped this when lena got send to be a “plaything “

  16. guys I read the novel and if the “ntr” stuff bothers you now, it gets worse later onsome of the stuff the author writes is just so unnecessary and just there to disturb you, which is a shame because I think the story has potentialI’m sure the ending will have him become a king or a prince to marry her but the journey there is filled with these “ntr” moments

    • Can you spoil it for me?

    • So basically, the author put too much Korean Sauce into this and overcooked way too much. I hate authors who do these just for shock value and no real purpose except to put his cringe fetishes on his works while disguising it as something else at first. This is especially prevalent in the pornhwa industry, way too much author’s gets lost in the sauce like fucking Perfect Half. Fucking hate em

  17. To be completely honest, this is more anxiety inducing than my entire college course. This is actually quite good. This of course has a shaky start where the establishment of the setting and the characters were a bit dragged out albeit necessarily but currently it’s doing great. This is a linear story with sort of a branching storyline and it gets exciting the more details are revealed. I’d definitely recommend reading this. I’m just dreading the day when the chapters get exhausted and we have to go to a weekly reading. 7/10

  18. Yes YES THE COMMENTS ARE BACK AND SO SHALL THE DISCOURSE. Likes, dislikes, snobbish reviews, angry replies, and arguments.MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!



    • 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✈️🗼🗼

  19. I rarely comment something apart from chapters on any title. Also I don’t know if anyone will be interested in this one comment in particular but I’m gonna say this:I don’t really like this manhwa. It’s not bad. It’s not horrible. It’s just not my taste. For some weird reason it has “cuck vibes” in it. Well, it’s not NTR. Come on, it’s really not. For first 5-6 chapters or so. I couldn’t make myself read more because for some reason this title really pisses me off. I don’t really like mc, I don’t really like the whole story, hell, even whole concept of the story gives me bad case of migraine.Again, this might be just me. Give it a shot – maybe you’ll like it. Overall concept is somewhat original in comparison to system-reincarnated-betrayed-ranker-who-wants-to-do-things-right-or-so that populated the market. It’s just not my cup of tea.Have a good day/night and take care.P.S.: even at first few chapters I really wanted to smack mc on the head.

    • I don’t wanna forcefully make you like it, but i wanna share why i kinda like it.-Mc is miserable at the beginning. Tbh, that’s what hooked me. Like, losing a loving girlfriend (without arguing) could be traumatic, and that makes you do stupid things, like shouting, trying to bring her attention back or just hoping that she’ll be back. THAT’S NOT EXACTLY HEALTHY imo, but it’s fairly understandable. I’ve been there, most people probably have been-I really like that mc is changing. His final goal overall is not to stay here to get cucked, but to break free. And during this process he slowly understands that he were a dick. Like, in one of the first game overs he’s saying something like “fuck i gotta come back to real life and bring my gf back to me”, but after some playthroughs he said that he wants to apologize to her. I feel like this game helps him recover in some way, intentionally or not

  20. It should have an “Adult” tag on this.I love how the women in this manhwa actually effect this story, they are not just some accessory for the MC, they have to be taken seriously and treated with respect and dignity to ensure a good ending.Men in this manhwa are treated as humans.Women in this manhwa are treated as humans.The writer of this series has won my respect.Love is unconditional selfless, he would have to keep her needs before his selfishness.(I recommend teenagers to not read this story as it deals with many heavy topics, there are no graphic images, but written context is enough to give mental images. So just me warned)

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