Zero Game


Genres: Drama Fantasy Webtoons

A fantasy/drama story that follows a young girl as she participates in a survival game with the prize being a chance to rebuild her life to be better than the one she had. And the price of failure being her death.


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  1. I’m gonna give it to you straight: no it’s not worth it. The Muhjoginist team is retarded, there are good female MCs but not this one period.

  2. never thought they’d make a title about me

  3. Would you rather;Have infinite bacon, but no games;or;Games;Infinite games, but no games

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  5. Lmao I agree with the guy below, I was gonna write that. “Zero game, zero life, zero bitches, zero money”

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  9. I would like to introduce a Manga, Manhwa, Manhua site without annoying ads -b;That is:

  10. I think im on chapter 69 welp time to reread-

  11. FMC suck my dick

  12. After reading some comment I will ignore the rating and give it a try

  13. Never related with a title so much

  14. Is the mc male or female and is he/she op?

  15. Is this squid game?

    • I also thought of squid game after reading the summary


  17. Is this gold? nah;It is shit? Nah;Its decent read to pass time;Welcome aboard

  18. to any people with doubts, read it. The story does start off slow in first 20 or so chapters, but bro the amount of plot twists and charactor development is amazing, to sum up major doubts with no spoilers the fmc is yes very lucky with typical MC ‘cliche’ moments but it’s not where she just bodies everyone, overall i give it a 9.3/10 only because the story loves to cockblock romance most of the time

    • also thers a name change for characters around chap 33 i think, all normal english names now

  19. Is mc girl?

  20. Is this like grimgar or darwins anime?

    • none. the fmc basically has everything given to her and she becomes the most op character. she is guided by a mc support character. thats about it

  21. Well, guess it ended

    • Nope. There’s 200+ chapters out on naver.

  22. Shallow and insulting on so many different area. not worth a read.

    • How the hell is this shallow? Actually, it’s anything but shallow.

  23. The classic female lead being helped by a male.;power

  24. New chapters are availble on:

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