The Bride Of Barbaroi

Author:Kotoba Noriaki

Genres: action Comedy Fantasy Romance

The strongest female warrior of the west, Seraphina de Lavillant, was defeated by barbarians of the east.
What awaits her are endless days of torture…is what she thought.
Instead, she was offered “marriage to the barbarian king”!?
The start of a fantasy world marriage by former enemies!Russian / Русский:
Самая сильная девушка-воительница запада, Серафина де Лавильянт, была побеждена варварами востока. Ее ждут бесконечные дни пыток… так она и думала. Но ей предложили “брак с королём варваров”?! Начало брака бывших врагов в мире фэнтези!Fun fact: Barbaroi is the Greek word for barbarians (plural)  βάρβαροι IPA: /ˈ


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  1. Wtf why so many manga back

  2. Latest Collection 👩 Charming Manga Girls Video 💋;👉 Click here to view and

  3. look the mange is still going but one is translating it to eng

  4. OK. God the character designs just makes you wanna shed a tear…oddlyThis is like old Europe etiquette and customs meet the fantasy told in said European tales. Characters and action sequences, story and plot, development of both character and lore of the world are pretty good as well. Heck even the action/combats are pretty interesting, no weak fmc either(she only lost due to difference in equipment…steel meets fantasy dragon armor)Anyways I don’t really think this is considered kidnapping or…rape? Stockholm syndrome? We all know what happens to females during wars…if anything th;…

    • Many things I left out from this, I Implore you to read this gold and realize things on your own;Do note at least that the kingdom are more barbaric than whom they brand as the barbarians, ironically…you’d be surprised what the lack of widespread information sharing does to an era of religion, beliefs, and customs;edit: the more i read this the more i feel pity over the disparagy difference between their cultural, militaristic, and scientific advances…

  5. more chapters please

  6. Creepier version of This Time For Torture Princess with less cute art.

  7. New episode, don’t miss it⚡💪

  8. Ok, the comments made me worry about it a little but now that I read half of it… Lmao, that’s a trade I believe most people would take it? Imagine you’re a woman, you come from a place where most people don’t like you, don’t respect your decisions, try to push you to marry someone you dislike (not just someone you don’t love, someone you actually dislike), you have a good chamce of being raped. Then a man that respects your choices and loves you for it comes and actually puts efforts into making you love him asks if you want to stay with him into a good life. You can call it grooming if you want, I call it a good deal.

    • *chance


  10. I don’t care what y’all have to say this shit is gold

  11. With a welcoming and friendly community, Knight’s Akane is the perfect place for those who want to talk about anime, manga, or light novels, or all of the above!;LINK :

  12. Please let me know if someone does a censored reupload. I was following it. But the art got too horny and i bailed about chapter 15. .;Story is probably still just getting better. But i ain’t about that porn life.;Sad thing is someone said the nips were drawn in by the scanlators, which i find quote believable, since they were porn levels of detail, and not just (yes, woman have nipple).;Sigh.;I’m still coming down off of my Dungeon Meshi high…

    • Gay

  13. yep he is a dragonborn

  14. I’m sorry for sleeping on this.

  15. all the comments say this is great, so

  16. they put their pants on one nipple at a time.

  17. pls care me true this manga guys

    • At least use Google Translate for grammar if you not sure with your English skill

    • Through*;🤓☝️

  18. I won’t say the barbarians are evil, but the problem still remains that they are abducting women and simply saying the women can leave if they want.;If I beat up your sister and dragged her to my house in another state, then left her to choose between staying or walking all the way home in a state she knows nothing about, full of monsters(criminals) that could kill her, I’d be deserving of a bullet to the head.

    • About that. She’s free to leave if she ever choose to refuse him. She’s even allowed to kill him if he ever force himself to her. It’s her choice, stay and live with the dragon eating/slaying barbarians or return and be assaulted by the male soldiers of the Kingdom and being thrown into a nunnery to be forgotten and die alone.

    • It more like a man or woman (Who is also a soldier) being captured after these said soldiers had probably killed a bunch of people (Barbarians) when they had tried to invade the Barbarian’s land for more resources. Courting said soldiers who try to invade them to prevent them from going extinct.;They get exposed to a new cultured while also being courted, access to lots of tasty good food compared to their old home (They are kind of killing their old land). MC even being respected by the other warriors (friendly duels) + getting a shiny new sword + armour….compared to being disrepected by the men in her old country for being a woman that is a knight…hell if she ever return back home she ch.15 tells you the result (Her old country is Sexist!). It more like if they not do like it there for 1-2 months then they will be free to go home/helped back to the West/home country.;Ch.22, 23 gives you some evidence. MC will solve the problem in future hopefully, her country stupid.

  19. Just another manga that caters to incels.

    • yall, it really doesnt, it would act like an incel repellant in fact becuase there are no lolis

    • Did you even read past the first couple chapters? If not stfu

    • People get really made when you point out how this is stockhome syndrome nonsense witha bunch of bullshit to get all the women to abbandon their strength and jobs to be moms. I expect we’ll have a “being a mother is much stronger than being a warrior” nonsensical line from a character any time now.;People also like going “but she’s not captive!” the author created a situation where she basically is captive because she can’t go back home because these morons kidnap women which makes people think they rape them so they’re ostrisized back home.;These are the same kind of people who go on and on about how shield hero isn’t creepy and rapey, it’s romantic.

  20. Damn, i wish i was her

    • Why are you gae?;You are gae

  21. Top tier stuff.

  22. Legit one of the best mangas I’ve read.

  23. I reais the Bride of bababoi hahahahah sigh time for my medicine 😢

  24. So uhhh,,, any r@pe scenes??¿¿

  25. This is great

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