A Rank Party Wo Ridatsu Shita Ore Wa, Moto Oshiego Tachi To Meikyuu Shinbu Wo Mezasu

Author:Unagi Kousuke – Yuuri

Genres: action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Harem Romance Shounen

“I can’t do this!”Yoke Feldio, A Red Mage, has left his A-rank party of five years to become an adventurer, and has finally run out of patience with his life as an adventurer. being ridiculed as a “Handyman” and “poor dexterity”!And so begins a desperate life of joblessness….HOWEVER! Soon after Yoke is welcomed into a party of former students, all of whom are girls! And as he conquers dungeons, Yoke’s abilities are revealed one after another.In fact, the magic and skills that he wields have a power that is beyond the norm–?


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  1. It’s quite ok till about 70++ chapter when out of nowhere author decide to make it lgbt…totally ruined the manga for me…no wonder manhwa nowadays are much better than manga

  2. The MC in this one just accepts having his harem

    • He doesn’t do anything with it though…he straight out rejects any sort of advances from the girls. They are the pursuers, and he just keeps running away, it’s the worst kind of harem.

  3. 🔞 hot and sexy 🥵 😱 🙉 manga videos;I hope this makes you horny 💋 🫦;👉

  4. Don’t miss the events of The Bastard and the Emperor👑🙏

  5. what a stupid revange


  7. This is the kind of manga that really challenges the reader. It challenges you to keep reading. The author will make choices that will baffle you. Choices that will make you question why you’ve stuck around reading for so long? Akward beta MC? Check. Annoying villains that just wont die? Check. Villains that do horrible things but get spared anyway by naive MC? Check. MC who’s power level either increases or decreases depending on what the story demands? Check. Love advances from the love interest that get ignored or outright rejected by MC? Check. One note main characters with little background information and no real depth? Check.;There is little plot development, and not much of a narrative when it comes to what our MC and friends are trying to accomplish. They claim they have a dream, but the way to achieve said dream is extremely vague, and just an excuse to keep the status quo among the characters and their adventure of the month shinanigans.

  8. 4/10 totalA harem adveture story with a super virgin MC. SPOILERS ahead……..;…

  9. I remember reading this one year ago. I loved but did not liked the girls too munch. I’ll try again to see if my opnion stay the same after consuming several others mangas.

    • just finished reading all 82 chapters, and beeing honest….it’s not horrible. the first 40 are kinda meh, but after they become decent. There’s a lot of problems, not gonna lie. It’s….readable if you can ignore the npc girls compliment the mc almost every single chapter. The late chapters are shorter then my dick though. 6.5/10

    • ok, I’m starting to remember why. problem 1: all the three girl adore/love the mc. What it’s not bad, BUT this makes part of their personality be “I love the mc, I’ll blush in front of the mc, I’ll express how amazing the mc is, etc” and this really sucks. As a reader I want to know about the characters, I don’t want they just be love interest 1, 2 and 3.

    • problem 2: we got almost no information about the girls. Like we got some quirks, one eats a lot, one maybe or maybe not be a dwarf, the other exist. and that it. We got no momments to learn thing about them, what they like(the mc it’s the only thing), their past, etc.

  10. every kicked out mc manga is literally:

  11. Hmmm…

  12. Gotta say I honestly will never understood the gender diversity in fantasy mangas in particular,;In a world where women can literally be 50x stronger then a men I can’t say they would have much to worry about, other then random retards(males and females alike) trying to brake into the house to steal something;;I don’t think people of this world are dumb enough to try and break into a house to rape and if they are then, the rate would have to be like a 0.1% chance right? Because as mentioned girls in this world can be physically just as strong as men if not stronger not to mention the use of magic;Tho I guess I should take into account that authors usually set it where 90% of males are bad 9% are neutral 0.9% are good 0.1% are saints;so I guess it does make sense to worry about a house full of women in this world?

    • It’s a world where magic exists. Sleeping spells, mind control and charming skills, paralyze spells, silence spells, lockpicking spells, slave collars, weapons, traps and all sorts of poisons are all available to the general plublic. I doubt it would matter if a house is full of women or men, anybody can come in and mess up anybody’s life if they are not careful. But the author is not capable of creating a world that takes advantage of this, so they just go with a plain vanilla setting with little explanation as to how anything really works. They’re girls, therefore, they need protection (screw the world building). So yeah, you put more thought into the world building than the actual author.

  13. this is fucking bullshit. author gotta like cops very much. the dude trying to kill him or fuck him up for 6-8 times straight and the mc the piece of garbage talking about him being have to judged by the law. ALSO HE IS FUCKING WEAK. dont portray him as being “op” when he keeps getting his ass kicked by every fucking thing. trash dog author

    • He is dead tho.Most of the time he losing to MC & the only one affecting MC life is when MC group trapped in Goddess Persephone labyrinth.

  14. Fatso got TOTALED hard… I’m happy.

  15. W

  16. A story by Rmansen only🔥❤️New chapter, don’t miss it

  17. Mc to weak to fight those bastards, mentally… Remember this, mc, a peace with “abomination” and “blasphemy” are not an option… Never

    • Those bastards are already dead.. But if mc do the same mistake, i need to check Author’s mental state

  18. Its out until ch 70

  19. MC is a Yoke

  20. bro mc former party have a lot of plot armour lol

  21. this can seem like your typical pg13 shit but can be reaaally dark especially on 62+63 chap, deserved tho, but yea its a little stupid but fear not, it wont end in the “you treat me like shit but i forgive you” kind of trash

  22. before reading chapter 61 wait for chapters 62 and 63 trust you will be less frustrated

  23. Some in chat need to relax. There will be some brutal scenes coming up, after 62. Which for me is just karma coming back to that one poser, who treated the mc badly. And no there’s no mercy for that poser either.

  24. asfa

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