

Genres: action Adventure Fantasy Overpowered

One day, it was a herd of ants, and another day, it was a large dinosaur.
This was the last reincarnation of a being that had experienced tens of thousands of reincarnations and lives.He was born as a human with the power of every single lifeform he had ever been.Why did he have such an ability?
Lee Jain finally came to understand.“I exist to eradicate mankind.”


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  1. weird drop rated 9.9 and it only had like 10 more chapters till its finished I think

  2. Dropped, if ur a “Character development guy” u will read the whole thing w a bittersweet taste in your mouthTo resume this series: 📈📉📉📉📉📉📈📈📉📈📉📈📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉Or🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄💱💱💱💱💱🎶↩️↩️↩️⏸

  3. it was too bad art style was ok, and story was good at first but then it just turned into (power of love,power of friendship) kinda thing not gonna reread it for sure

  4. Honestly author just decided to fuck this story up by going the route he took. I have no problem with the romance route however it was horrible executed, came to sudden and completely watered down the story. It’s like author gave up midway and decided to axe the story. Such a shame it had a lot of potential only to get ruined 😔

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