Warrior High School – Dungeon Raid Department


Genres: action Adventure Fantasy Martial Arts

An Earth in the 21st century that has fused with another world. An era of “dungeons” teeming with monsters and the “adventurers” that raid them.Also, the most elite educational facility in South Korea that fosters these adventurers: “Warrior High School.”Although he was once considered the greatest adventurers in Asia, he has been accused with false chargers and, while dungeon smuggling in order to pay for his sick father’s medical treatments, Yoo Jaryong comes across one teen.“You there, get in Warrior High School.”This is a story about a young man who’s lost his dream, hiding his identity, finding himself once again. 


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  1. I think I have read it a long time ago. I will just go random and say 2,3²/10

    • 5.29?

    • Dude.. You read to much garbage, if you say it like that…

  2. is there ever going to be a second season?

    • Unfortunately they dropped it for a much worse one, it’s good but it doesn’t compare

  3. i read it got cancelled by the studio for internal reasons. sad cause this was a good one, had smart and tactical fights

    • Yeah but way too much narration.

    • Source please?

  4. Never coming back 😭

  5. No way they dropped this masterpiece

    • political issue, so there no hope

    • Did the really drop it ?

  6. Oof! Was this a novel?? If it was, another studio might pick it up but if that’s not the case then. I wanna pray for a miracle.

    • its an original work, so unfortunately for us, there is no ln

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