Captivated, by You TV Anime Announces Main Cast
Captivated, by You, one of two upcoming anime based on manga by Yama Wayama, has announced its first two cast members!Kensho Ono will voice Miyoshi Hayashi, one of the two series leads. Ono's other roles include Tetsuya Kuroko in Kuroko's Basketball and Yuri Briar in SPY x FAMILY.Koki Uchiyama will appear as Joji Ema, another student at the boys' school where the series takes place. Uchiyama's previous roles include Akira Fudo in DEVILMAN crybaby and Toge Inumaki in JUJUTSU KAISEN.Asami Nakatani directs the TV anime at animation studio Doga Kobo.- 0
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Let’s Go Karaoke! and Captivated, by You Get TV Anime Adaptations
Let's Go Karaoke! and Captivated, by You – a pair of manga written and illustrated by Yama Wayama – are both being adapted into newly announced TV anime series. The same main staff works on both series, and teaser art (below) and a teaser trailer have been released for both works.- 0
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Captivated by You
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