My Tiny Senpai Live-Action TV Drama Slated for January 2025
Saiso's romantic comedy manga My Tiny Senpai will receive a live-action TV drama adaptation in January 2025. The drama is set to premiere on BS Shochiku Tokyu's original drama programming block "Suiyo ("Wednesday") Drama 23" on January 15, 2025.The drama's official website announced that TOOMI, a member of Japanese idol group #2i2 who is 149 centimeters tall, will play the main heroine Shiori Katase in her first lead role. "When I heard about the offer, I totally spaced out with a mixture of all sorts of things such as surprise, happiness and anxiety (laughs)," TOOMI said on BS Shiciku Fuji's official news page.- 0
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My Tiny Senpai
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