Peleliu: Guernica of Paradise Anime Film Adaptation Announced
Toei Animation has announced that Kazuyoshi Takeda's award-winning manga Peleliu: Guernica of Paradise will be receiving an animated film adaptation at the end of this year. The film's release coincides with the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.A special trailer has been released as part of the announcement:Peleliu: Guernica of Paradise TrailerPlans for an anime adaptation were originally announced back in 2021.Goro Kuji (Chained Soldier) will direct the film, marking his movie directorial debut. Takeda will collaborate with Junji Nishimura to pen the screenplay adaptation of the manga.Peleilu: Guernica of Paradise was serialized in Hakusensha's Young Animal from 2016 to 2021 and won the Japan Cartoonists Association Award's Excellence Award in 2017.- 0
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peleliu: guernica of paradise
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