After the conclusion of the TRIGUN STAMPEDE anime shared the promise of a "Final Phase" on the horizon, we now know the official title of the upcoming series. Announced today at theTRIGUN STAMPEDE panel, presented by Crunchyroll and Orange, the new series titl- 1
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WATCH/LISTEN: Black Butler Voice Actors on Returning to the Series After 10 Years
Episode 19 of Crunchyroll Presents: The Anime Effect is now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and anywhere else you listen to your podcasts! If you're waiting to watch the video episode, it'll be live on Crunchyroll and YouTube at 7 p.m. ET.Listen or Watch- 1
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TRIGUN STAMPEDE Limited Edition Headlines Crunchyroll September 2024 Home Video Slate
It's another big month for home video at Crunchyroll, which just unveiled a bunch of upcoming releases heading to Blu-ray this September. Leading the charge is Vash himself in a stacked TRIGUN STAMPEDE Limited Edition set, which packs the season with a Project- 6
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